There are big chunks of scriptures that give clear indications of what the signs will be to indicate that we are in the last days. Of course the critic and cynic would say, ‘give it a rest’ and generally mock Christians, discouraging a genuine search of what the Bible says about this important subject. So the Christian is on the back foot in actually considering a serious and comprehensive look at what the Bible says about the signs. I have seen it too often, young Christians having an appetite to know about this subject only to be discouraged, and also brought to task by more seasoned Christians telling them they need to deal with their lifestyle and concentrate on living for today. Yes this has merit, but not at the expense of being ignorant of what is to come.
There are four major areas where we can identify these signs. The World, the Church, the Nation of Israel, and Signs in the heavens. In each of these areas there are symptoms and signs recorded in the Bible, so when we consider the four areas together we have incredible clarity of where we are in God’s prophetic clock.
If I may paraphrase this part of the article to indicate briefly the type of symptoms and signs in the four areas. What is happening to our world? Natural disasters, like the increase in Earthquakes and extreme weather conditions is nothing new, but it continues to increase. Do your homework and look at the facts; there have been a major increase of earthquakes. Also you will notice that storms over countries that are not accustomed to violent thunderstorms, will experience significant electric storms. These are not signs of God’s judgment, but simply the symptoms of our planet that has been dying since the fall. Yes judgment will come, but a great deal must take place before we get to that part of the process. Linking this area with the observation of another area, What is happening in the heavens? I will in a later article address the sign that will take place on 23rd September 2017, that has many evangelical leaders pointing out that this is the fulfilment of Revelation 12: 1-2. I am afraid this sign does not mean the ‘Rapture’ nor that the ‘Second Coming’ is going to take place on this date or just after. Sorry to disappoint you, but it is poor exegeses and also weak theology to suggest such a major event be based on a single sign. However, the sign is significant.
What will be revealed within the next year or so, is that we will find a new planet. This will be officially the 9th planet in our solar system. So what is the significance of this? It will be revealed that the planet’s orbit has historically affected our planet and will do so again, though it will never hit the earth. Some believe that this rogue planet, as it is being referred to, has already begun to affect the behaviour of our solar system. There is scientific evidence that suggests the planets Uranus and Neptune’s orbits are being affected.
The other two areas are linked also. What is happening to The Church and the Nation of Israel? One of the most obvious symptoms regarding the Church is the rise of persecution. Persecution of the Church again is nothing new, but since the birth of the Church on the day of Pentecost, the Church has not known this level of persecution. As a Christian living in a westernised culture, I am sure that may surprise you. Many Christians living in the West are completely ignorant of the extent of how vast and hostile the persecution has become. Just recently the west has experienced more terrorist attacks and Isis happily takes the credit for it. The Politicians and the media tell us that it is radical Muslims and has nothing to do with Islam. Well it is pure Islam. The majority of the persecution that has been undertaken against the Church is done in the name of Allah. If you think that the West is experiencing a new wave of hostility, well it is and it will continue to grow, just as the Church continues to suffer. So as the Church comes into a time of a higher level of persecution, so hostility towards Israel will increase. There are many signs and symptoms around Israel that the Bible indicates are significant, especially about Israel acknowledging their Messiah and the rebuilding of the Temple.
Part I only allows room to address one symptom, but we will look at the signs regarding Israel in more detail in Part II.
In Tiberius Israel 2004, the re-establishment of the Sanhedrin Council took place. This was a major symptom and a significant step towards the official building of the Temple and the acknowledgment of their Messiah. To clarify what this means to Christians and Messianic Jews initially is not a great deal, but it does in terms of when we look at the appearing of the Anti-Christ. As Christians we are warned that there will be many anti-Christs, but there is one coming that the Apostle Paul refers to as ‘The Man of Sin’ and ‘The Son of Perdition’. The book of Revelations refers to him as ‘The Beast’. Remember two thousand years ago the Sanhedrin Council met in secret one night, on the evening Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus. It was this religious gathering that rejected Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah and handed Him over to Pontius Pilot. The Bible makes reference to one that will come who they receive as the Messiah, also with the false Prophet. To put this in historical context, the Sanhedrin was disbanded in the 5th century and so over fifteen hundred years have passed without the Children of Israel having any unified spiritual leadership. Now the Council having been re-established for nearly 13 years has been able to implement and appointed many things in this period of time, paving the way for the rebuilding of the Temple, and setting the stage to appoint their Messiah.