Prophetic Updates from EZRA Resources

Persecution in the Last Days

One of the most polarising topics on social media, is the debate if the church is going to go through the Tribulation Period.  Many Christians in the West, are of the view that the Church will be raptured before the Tribulation Period. The polarisation continues even within this group that hold to the view of the Rapture being a separate event to the Second coming of Jesus Yeshua.

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Imprisoned with Isis

Petr Jasek is a wonderful testament to being a true follow of Jesus Yeshua.

He shared a prison cell with men that had blood on their hands with serving with ISIS.

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Why is God Silent?

The Covid-19 has hit this world hard, and the shockwaves are still being felt around the world.  We have known since the New Year that this virus had the potential to be a world Pandemic. With all the resources and teaching material available to Christians, and the thousands of Apostolic and Prophetic ministries throughout the world, not one had a prophetic word, or a word of knowledge predicting this world event. Yes, not one. Ok, there are very weak claims that there were prophetic statements made, but let us be real and honest.

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The Stance of Christopher Waid

Christopher Waid, a linen-weaver from Dartford in Kent, believed the bread and wine during the communion service were simply emblems. Symbols of the blood and body of the Lord Jesus.  He openly distanced himself from the practice of Mass; and would not renounce this view when arrested in June 1555.  Consequently, on 19th July 1555, due to not compromising his convictions, he was burned at the stake for heresy. 

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Muhammad Acknowledged Israel as a Nation

When Jesus was 3 days journey from Jerusalem, The Pharisees sought to trick him regarding King Herod. Jesus having referred to Herod as a ‘fox’, [Luke 13: 31-32.] continues...

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The Solar Eclipse ‘Signs of Gods Judgment?’ Part II

As I pen Part II of this article, Hurricane Irma is heading for the coast of Florida and the internet is getting its fair share of Prophets of doom. Sometimes ignorance is bliss when it comes to interpreting the meaning of natural disasters. Though I am sure there is going to be a great amount of destruction by Hurricane Irma, and many will become homeless. Many misguided religious Christians will be making it very clear that this is God’s judgment for the sins of America. Let us not entertain that this is Gods judgment and linking it with the Solar Eclipse on the 21st August and the coming signs of 23rd September, which has become known as the Revelation 12 sign.

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