Signs of the Times Part II

In the past years, numerous signs have and are, now taking place that reinforces the view that we are living in the last days. I am sure that it is literally years rather than days, but when we consider the convergence of the many signs, we would be foolish to ignore them. As stated in Part I, there are four areas that we can observe, and when we consider them collectively the evidence is startling.

What is frustrating, is when claims are made by seasoned Christians, [some who are significant leaders], stating the ‘Rapture’ or the ‘Second Coming’ is going to happen at a specific time. Sadly this also discredits and undermines sound biblical teaching of eschatology.

It is clear that there will be physical signs in the heavens, [space/sky] but the latest phenomena is causing a stir for all the wrong reasons.

There are claims by various Evangelical teachers/leaders that the sign described in Revelations 12: 1-2, will be fulfilled on September 23rd 2017. The text reads, ‘Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth’. NKJ

So what is the sign of September 2017?

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There are those in some Christian circles that are disregarding the sign completely and are actually throwing the baby out with the bath water, [forgive the pun].

The facts are that a rare phenomenon is going to take place. On the 23rd, the First day of the Jewish New Year, the Sun will be in a position that would clothe the constellation of Virgo, [the Virgin]. This event is not rare, not even when it coincides with the moon being placed at the feet. Why this sign has got a great deal of attention is that the constellation of Virgo will also have 12 stars above the head. This is quite a rare event. Generally the constellation of Leo is immediately above Virgo having 9 stars to form its constellation. What is taking place right now are the three planets; Mercury, Venus and Mars moving into line, so that by September the number of stars above Virgo will be the required 12. Now that may get your attention but there is more. The facts are; that planet Jupiter has entered the constellation of Virgo into the area that many suggest is the womb/stomach. Of course this depends on what constellation artwork one considers when tracking the planets journey through the constellation. Right now as I pen this article, the planet Jupiter can be viewed in the area that is suggested as the womb of Virgo. What makes this very intriguing is the cycle of the planet. Jupiter remains in the constellation for a set period of time. Using the standard calendar, [Gregorian] there are various claims regarding the length of this period of time with not much agreement. However, if we ignore the Gregorian calendar, [which is solar based] and just view the position of the moon, we will observe that the moon is at the feet of Virgo when Jupiter enters the constellation and when it exits. During the time Jupiter remains in Virgo the moon moves and returns to the feet 9 times, suggesting a period of 9 months.

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It is quite naive to suggest that this is the fulfilment of Revelations 12:1-2. Yes there is no doubt that this is a significant sign in the heavens, but when dealing with prophetic interpretations good and sound exegesis is critical. This article does not allow room or the time to explain the true and full interpretation of these two verses. So what does it mean?

Well we know that the Bible informs us that there will be signs in the heavens and that the stars have historically given prophetic warnings or heralding of a specific event. We don’t need to look very far regarding the significance of the Bethlehem star 2,000 years ago. So we can be confident that Astronomy can help us in our understanding of the signs that are yet to take place in the heavens. Before you disregard the sign of September 2017, please don’t be discouraged or misled that it is Astrology. The Bible clearly discourages such practices, but simply because the constellations are named does not mean it is associated with Astrology. The origin of identifying the constellations is generally accepted. There are 88 officially recognized constellations, though 48 are known as the original which are mentioned by the Greeks and the Babylonians. There is evidence to suggest that even the Egyptians a thousand years before them had charted and identified some of these constellations. The constellation of Virgo was catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd Century BC. Yes it can be accepted that the Babylonians and the Greeks used Astronomy to practice Astrology, but the initial naming of the constellations was not to form the 12 signs of the zodiac. To clarify the point, the Bible does identify various constellations. Job 9: 9, 38: 31. Isaiah & Amos also make reference to particular constellations. Is 13:10, Amos 5:8. The dating of these references are many hundreds of years before the Babylonians and the Greeks.

Behind the Plagues teaser 1Here is something to consider. In my extensive research of Egyptology, it became clear that the nature of the 10 plagues which God supernaturally performed was to send a message to the Egyptians. Using their mythology and heretical beliefs stripped Satan of his power and influence. [Behind the Plagues of Egypt can be purchased from our store] I have no doubt that if God in His sovereignty decides the nature of the plagues based on the Egyptian belief system, He could use known named constellations to send a message. So what is the sign of September 2017?

I am sorry to disappoint you, that the sign of September 2017 is not the fulfilment of the two verses in the book of Revelation. However, here comes the curved ball. The sign is very significant to the Haredi, [Ultra Orthodox Jews] especially the Rabbi’s of the Sanhedrin. Again this article does not give room for a full explanation, but they believe that the Talmud holds the keys to understanding the signs of their coming messiah. What we need to appreciate is that the one they eventually choose will be a fake and be known as the Anti-Christ. They have believed for hundreds of years that the behaviour of stars and the moon will periodically warn Israel of coming key events. For example in the Talmud it speaks of the planet Mars being a dark planet, which corresponds to war, destruction, and even death. However, the Planet Jupiter speaks of peace, royalty and Kingship.

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We at Ezra are NOT suggesting that the Talmud is a sound source or should be considered any way near the authority of the scriptures. The Haredi also would not place the same emphasis on the Talmud as the Torah. What will transpire is not what this sign means to the Church, but what it means to the remnant of Israel. The significance that this sign happens on the first day of the Jewish calendar is major. Many Christian are linking the event with Rosh Hashanah, the feast of trumpets. What is more striking is the sign takes place immediately after this two day feast. Of course the Haredi are not going to consult the New Testament and draw comparisons with our two verses. The Haredi will come to a conclusions based on the Talmud.

So what can we deduce from this? A major sign is clearly going to take place on the 23rd September this year. We at Ezra are of the view that this will be seen by the Haredi, that their Messiah’s reign is soon to begin. This ticks a major box for the Sanhedrin bringing them a step closer to announcing their Messiah.

Sign of the Times Part III we will look at the re-building of the Temple in Jerusalem.